An unfortunate update: Better Than The Book's debut gig on April 11th has been indefinitely postponed due to COVID19...
Hi everyone and hope you're staying safe and healthy in these rapidly changing and uncertain times. It is with mixed emotions that I must report less than a week after I excitedly announced it, that Better Than The Book's debut gig on April 11th in Haywards Heath (Sussex, UK) has been indefinitely postponed by the event organisers due to COVID19 concerns.
Given the current times, I fully support their decision for the safety and comfort of the attendees, staff and entertainers for the evening, though of course it saddens me that it'll be longer until we can hit the stage.
I'll be sure to share updates as and when I receive them and hopefully we'll be able to make the future rescheduled date when it comes around. Keep up to date on the events page for the time being:
And until then and always, stay safe, be kind to each other, and keep on skankin'! All the best!