An exclusive bonus Patreon reward: A cover of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" for my dad's 60th birthday!
Hi everyone and hope you're having a great final week of June! Got a special bonus Patreon reward to share with you today in celebration of my dad's 60th birthday earlier this week, a cover of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters"!
So quick backstory, this track was a request (and challenge) by my dad as a 60th birthday present for him. He asked simply for me to record my own version of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" and do whatever I want with it production-wise. With that said, I started on this about a month ago recording in my free time when I could, and after presenting it to him earlier this week, he's kindly let me share it on YouTube as well as giving an exclusive download to my supporters on Patreon! The cover features vocals, acoustic guitar, the doubleneck electric guitar I built with him in my teen years, as well as cello, my first time recording with it since 2015 and Better Than The Book's Two Years On album! As with all the musical presents I've given in the past, this cover is also free of tuning correction and "elastic audio" timing correction. In James Hetfields words: "Couldn't be much more from the heart"! Without further wait, I present to you my version of "Nothing Else Matters"! Listen via the YouTube player below and grab the downloads below when you become a supporter on Patreon! I hope you enjoy it:
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And remember that you'll be getting not just this track, but all past rewards for your tier including the complete Better Than The Book discography and a whole lot more when you sign up. Hope to see you in the community!
That's it for this surprise bonus reward! The next reward post will be on July 19th when Better Than The Book's "Hopes and Dreams [Instrumentals]" bonus album is launched, but I'm sure there'lll be more stuff to share before then! Until next time, hope you enjoy the new music, and thanks as always for supporting my projects on Patreon! All the best, stay safe, and take care!
Possibly my favorite one yet! Solid; supersmooth rendition yet all with a tone of its own.